

Language Program

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Ekobé School of Learning Language Program

Our Language Program is based on the principles for effective teaching and learning designed by Preschool GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) and tailored towards preschool learners.
“Preschool GLAD is based on three areas of scientific research. The methods and training are designed around current research in how children learn, how children develop, and how children acquire language.”
Qualified native-speaker professionals teach the language program. They have experience teaching Portuguese and Spanish to heritage and non-heritage young learners.


STARTALK’s mission is to increase the number of U.S. citizens learning, speaking, and teaching critical need foreign languages.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) launched STARTALK in 2006 and delegated executive oversight of the program to the National Security Agency (NSA). The NSA in turn awarded a contract to the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) at the University of Maryland (UMD) to act as its subject matter expert in the implementation and administration of the program.

"The Language program is designed based on intentional teaching strategies, family engagement strategies, and professional development. "

The STARTALK-endorsed Principles describe characteristics of highly effective language teaching and learning. An ideal learning experience is framed by a standards-based and thematically organized curriculum that integrates culture, content and language. Learners work with authentic, age-appropriate texts in a learner-centered environment as they engage in real-world performance tasks that allow them to use the target language beyond the classroom.
While teaching a subject, teachers make use of Total Participation Techniques (TPTs). The techniques provide intensive student engagement by making them active learners as they demonstrate their understanding of the target language.
ELLOPA (Early Language Listening and Oral Proficiency Assessment) is an important tool used for the process of evaluating and determining the child’s highest proficiency and listening comprehension. During the assessment, children (usually two at time) are asked questions and expected to answer them in their best knowledge. Two teachers are engaged in this assessment. One interacts with the children and the other helps with taking notes or videotaping the children’s assessment.

Languages offered


Teacher leading preschool student in activities

What your child will learn in Portuguese?


Teacher leading preschool student in activities

What your child will learn in Spanish?


Teacher leading preschool student in activities

What your child will learn in Portuguese?

Frequently Asked Questions About Preschool Language Programs

What is a “Bilingual Preschool”?

A bilingual preschool is a preschool education program where children receive instruction and participate in activities conducted in two distinct languages. This can include 100 percent immersion programs where the languages are incorporated throughout the entire school day, or it can also include preschool programs offering dedicated class time to learning other languages.

Whether it is immersive or not, a multilingual or bilingual preschool program offers children the opportunity to learn and communicate in all languages, as well as learn about the cultures and customs of countries that speak that language.

A bilingual preschool approach (or multilingual approach) aims to foster language development, cultural understanding, and cognitive skills in young learners. Through these engaging and immersive language experiences, children are exposed to a rich linguistic environment, enabling them to become proficient in both or all languages while gaining a broader perspective on different cultures.

Is Ekobé a Bilingual Preschool?

Ekobé School of Learning is actually a trilingual or multilingual preschool since we offer both Spanish and Portuguese language classes twice a week (in addition to regular classes being conducted in English).

Are There Other Bilingual Preschools in San Diego?

Yes, several other bilingual preschools in San Diego offer language programs ranging from Chinese to Spanish to French, and more. Ekobé is currently the only multilingual / bilingual preschool in San Diego to offer Portuguese.

Why is Multilingual and Bilingual Education Important in Preschool?

Compared to learning a new language at an older age, exposure to multiple languages at preschool age enhances the acquisition and proficiency of that language, cognitive flexibility, problem-solving skills, and overall brain development.

Multilingual and bilingual preschools provide a unique opportunity for children to absorb languages, leading to advanced language proficiency and literacy skills later in life. Bilingual preschool programs also foster cultural awareness and sensitivity, promoting empathy and understanding among diverse communities. It equips preschoolers with a valuable tool for effective communication in an interconnected world. With a multilingual education, preschoolers gain a well-rounded and enriched educational experience.

Keep reading! You can get answers to other common questions in our blog, such as what is the preschool age, how much preschool costs in San Diego, and what children learn in preschool.